9 Non-Tech-Based Remote Jobs If Youre Just Not That Into Technology featured image

9 Non-Tech-Based Remote Jobs If You’re Just Not That Into Technology

Updated February 2024

All remote jobs require basic tech knowledge, but not all remote jobs are centered around tech. If you want to work remotely but you’re just not that into technology, we promise that there are non-tech-based remote jobs out there! Yes, the remote workspace tends to favor IT-related fields, such as web development, database administration, and information security. That’s because technical advances such as cloud computing and device synchronization simplify collaboration and workflows enabling remote IT workers to perform their tasks wherever they are.

However, you don’t have to be a die-hard techie to work remotely. There are thousands of jobs that require a bit of tech knowledge but aren’t tech-focused. Since remote work has evolved alongside technology, tech advancements are making more professions remote-compatible all the time. To get you started, here is a list of nine non-tech-based remote jobs that are remote-friendly and don’t require in-depth knowledge of complicated technology.

1. Remote Sales Representative

At the heart of all remote sales jobs is relationship-building and customer service. Anything to do with communicating with potential and existing customers and gaining exposure through social and professional means is where sales professionals thrive.

Thanks to cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) applications, sales representatives can keep track of their customer engagements all in one place and access such data anywhere at any time. Teams can also analyze their communications and tactics using CRM data to refine their processes and increase their effectiveness.

Technology Tip for Remote Sales Representatives

If you haven’t used a CRM tool before, demo a few applications and go through all the available tutorials. Review job descriptions for other commonly used tools so that you can speak intelligently about them in your application materials and during interviews.

2. Remote Registered Nurse

Registered nurses who want more freedom and schedule flexibility can find remote jobs that require medical experience without hands-on patient care. Some positions may require nurses to travel to hospitals or clinics, but many others primarily entail documentation reviews, consultations, and virtual services that can be performed from anywhere.

As telemedicine becomes increasingly popular, nurses may need to leverage desktop and mobile apps that track patient statuses, review patient records, and facilitate real-time communication with patients and other healthcare practitioners. Keep in mind, remote registered nurses still need to maintain their licensure for the states in which they provide care, regardless if they conduct care services in person, over the phone, or through an app. But if you’re looking for a non-tech-based remote job, this could be for you!

Technology Tip for Remote Registered Nurses

Get comfortable using video conferencing tools on your mobile device. Texting and other chat applications are still used for quick questions and scheduling, but nurses often use video chats for introductions and to help patients determine whether they need to seek professional care.

3. Remote Attorney

Licensed attorneys who feel cooped up in traditional office environments can set up their practice at home (or anywhere) to provide legal services for a variety of businesses and individuals. Many find fulfilling jobs as leaders of legal departments or as part of collaborative legal counsel teams. Some positions require occasional travel to meet with clients and attend court hearings.

Since remote attorneys often perform thorough reviews of correspondence, contracts, pleadings, and other documentation, legal teams may leverage document management, contract management, and task management tools to organize projects and enable collaboration among team members. Firms may also use e-Discovery tools to collect electronically stored information (ESI), such as emails, audio files, and databases, for litigations and investigations.

Technology Tip for Remote Attorneys

If you’re new to e-Discovery, take a crash course online and demo a few top-rated products. Also, learn about advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for legal departments and at least familiarize yourself with the basics and how AI applies to your role.

4. Remote Accountant

Remote accountants perform the same daily tasks as in-office accountants, and they’re a good option for a non-tech-based remote job. They review financial statements, prepare tax documents, inspect cashflow, report to management, and propose ways to save money and increase profit.

It’s very likely that remote and in-office accountants use similar software programs and processes, so remote accountants probably have enough tech knowledge to ramp up quickly in a remote environment. Plus, with all the software system integration available these days, accounting teams can link budgets, cash flow, tax filings, payroll, invoicing, billing, investments, risk management, and more to create a comprehensive picture for decision-makers.

Technology Tip for Remote Accountants

Since you probably have plenty of experience using spreadsheet and desktop accounting software, switching to cloud-based applications will be a breeze. Each application has a different interface and navigational structure, but they all serve the same general purpose. Look up some popular tools and demo them to get used to the different features.

5. Remote Recruiter

Remote recruiters can work at staffing agencies or within the human resources department of a company. Either way, their role is to actively and continuously seek new talent and help jumpstart the hiring process. They may collect and organize job applications, perform qualification checks, conduct initial interviews, and serve as a point of contact for applicants.

Though social media and email will always be popular communication tools for recruiters, advanced chatbot programs and other AI applications are enhancing the hiring process for both applicants and recruiting staff.

Technology Tip for Remote Recruiters

If you haven’t used an applicant tracking system (ATS) before, research various tools and get familiar with the principles and general functions. Also, look up trends in AI recruiting tools so that you understand how your workflow fits within advanced hiring automation.

6. Remote Community Outreach Coordinator

Remote community outreach coordinators often find jobs with non-profit organizations, but the title also applies to government agencies and for-profit businesses. Outreach coordinators develop plans and strategies for connecting with audiences, neighborhoods, organizations, and leaders.

In many ways, community outreach coordinators are like remote project managers. They juggle budgets, people, and resources to achieve goals that include increasing awareness, soliciting donations, and promoting event attendance. Therefore, they may leverage cloud-based project management and communication tools to coordinate with team members, volunteers, vendors, and other parties.

Technology Tip for Remote Community Outreach Coordinators

Research a couple of cloud-based project management apps and demo them for your personal projects. Though there are dozens of apps to choose from, and while their interfaces may vary, they all perform similar functions.

7. Remote Fundraiser

Remote fundraisers are like sales representatives and account managers for non-profit organizations. They nurture relationships with current and potential donors to achieve funding goals and support the non-profit’s operations. In this non-tech-based remote job, you may also lead or assist in grant writing, event planning, and outreach activities.

Many remote fundraisers leverage online donor research and management tools to look up and keep track of their current and potential donors. Such tools are similar to CRMs, but they’re geared for fundraisers and non-profits.

Technology Tip for Remote Fundraisers

Check out various donor management tools and apps related to event planning, project management, and document collaboration. If crowdfunding is part of a non-profit’s fundraising plan, learn how crowdfunding works and the different platforms that you can use to boost donations.

8. Remote Tutor

Remote tutoring jobs span every subject, specialty, and grade level. Some tutors provide general support for specific grade levels or ages, while others focus on particular subjects like calculus, creative writing, or chemistry. While some tutors meet students at schools, libraries, or homes, remote tutors perform teaching services online through desktop or mobile apps.

Many virtual companies provide web-based technology for tutors and students to collaborate and use. However, some tutors prefer to deliver presentation slides, PDFs, or other custom documents to facilitate lessons and learning.

Technology Tip for Remote Tutors

Demo a few popular touch screen information sharing apps specifically developed for educators and students. Also, get comfortable with video conferencing tools, as many of students (and their parents) may prefer virtual face-to-face interactions.

9. Remote Writer

Some professionals dedicate their careers to writing, while others use writing as a side hustle and a way to share their expertise. Remote writers may specialize in a field, such as business, technology, science, medical, or proposal writing, while others serve as generalists who can adapt their style and delivery according to the topic and publication.

Remote writers have a slew of tools available to help streamline their processes and ensure accuracy. They may use standard office word processing software, distraction-free writing apps, note-taking programs, audio recording apps, and advanced proofreading tools.

Technology Tip for Remote Writers

Though your writing craft is most important, it’s helpful to learn about popular tools that writers, businesses, and other teams use to collaborate and keep track of projects. Check out different cloud storage and workflow solutions, writing aids, and extensions to your web browser that make brainstorming and collecting resources easier.

Tech Tips for Remote Workers

Here are four quick tips to help remote workers brush up on fundamental technology knowledge and skills:

Since there will inevitably be shifts in the remote workspace due to continued tech advancements, it’s wise to stay on top of trends. Plan on continuously learning new skills so that you remain competitive in the job market.

Discovering Diverse Opportunities in Non-Tech-Based Remote Jobs

The realm of remote work is vast and varied, offering opportunities far beyond the confines of technology-centric roles. The nine non-tech-based remote jobs highlighted in this article prove that individuals with diverse interests and skills have a place in the remote workforce. Whether your passion lies in education, writing, or customer service, there’s a non-tech-based remote job waiting for you. Embrace the flexibility and diversity of remote work by exploring these avenues and discover a career path that aligns with your unique talents and interests.

Take the Leap: Join Virtual Vocations Today

Ready to embark on your journey to finding the perfect non-tech-based remote job? Join Virtual Vocations today and access a wealth of opportunities tailored to your skills and interests. Become a member of a community that understands your desire for flexibility and fulfillment in the remote workspace. Don’t let your next dream job slip away — sign up now and take the first step towards a rewarding remote career!

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