Remote Jobs at JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.)

JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.) is a real estate services and investment management company.

What They Do

JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.) is a professional services company specializing in real estate and investments. The company offers agency leasing, property management, hotel advisory, corporate finance, consulting, and investment management services.

JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.) frequently hires virtual workers. Virtual jobs may require travel.

Virtual Jobs

At the time of our research, we discovered virtual jobs for a talent acquisition associate; a senior estimator/pricing manager; a lead - technology products; and a lead consultant, data governance.

Virtual Tools Used

Research did not uncover any virtual tools used by JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.)

Research Findings
  • According to our research, JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.) has a flexible work environment
  • We noted degrees or certifications are required for some jobs at JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.)
  • Research indicated JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.) prefers candidates with good communication skills
  • Job researchers uncovered that multitaskers would thrive at JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.)
  • Application method: Applicant Tracking Software

Recent Hiring Trends

This summary profile is not an official statement or endorsed by the company above. Profile provided is for jobseeker informational purposes only based on independent research completed by Virtual Vocations staff.

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