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  • Accounting (3)

  • Full Time (3)

  • Some College (3)

Full Time / Accounting / Some College / Experienced Remote Other Jobs

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  • Accounts Receivable Specialist

    Responsibilities Manage hospital inpatient, outpatient, CAH, and provider-based billing and AR follow-up Handle denied claims, including root cause analysis and submission of appeals to health plans Adapt to proprietary tools and technology while completing other

    Hospital Billing Outpatient Billing CAH Billing RHC Billing
  • Bursar Associate

    Responsibilities Coordinates with learners to maintain on-time payments of tuition and fees Posts payments from all funding sources into the ledger and updates learner accounts to reflect refunds Participates in the successful implementation of other

    Accounting Finance Customer Service Microsoft Office
  • Lead Accounts Payable Clerk

    , and participate in month-end close activities Required Qualifications High school diploma or equivalent; associate degree in accounting or related field preferred 4-6 years of relevant accounts payable experience Proficiency with NetSuite or other

    Accounts Payable Vendor Management Invoice Processing Reconciliation